Saturday, September 22, 2012

New learning discoveries

During the second full week of school, I have noticed that some of the students are using letter sounds to not only label their writing but to also show what they are working on. During language development centers, students B. K, L, and A, were working on constructing an image with the tiles in the light center. As clean up time came around they really wanted to leave out what they had been working on. It was amazing to see how they worked together to sound out and write, do not touch. They then taped it to their work and left it there. Not only didi the writing and building help them to work together it also gave them a feeling of confidence as they were able to create something on their own without my support or even telling them what to do.

J and C decorate their folders!
Students also this week had the chance to decorate their writing folders, learn new math games and how to work with more materials, as well as use  finger paints to explore texture and different ways to create art!  I really can't believe how well they work together as a class and help each other out from taking down a chair to cleaning up their centers. I really look forward to seeing how they continue to work and grow as a class. It feels like they have been in school longer.

E and J work on playing the towers game
J explores the texture of finger paint

Lastly the topic of dinosaurs has still been a conversation. I left a giant picture of a t-rex on the bathroom door, and some dinosaur hats in the dramatic play area. I can't wait to see what happens with these materials left out. They also have been talking about how dinosaurs may be hiding in the building. I am interested to see where this conversation takes us!
students create a mock restaurant.

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