Sunday, September 25, 2016

Fall and fun!

This week was a great week of learning and exploration in the classroom. In writing we decorated the students writing folders where they will keep their work throughout the year. Students added stickers and family pictures to make their folders more personal and special as they use them.
students decorated their folders. 

During the week we introduced literacy and choice time centers with the students. They were able to work in the library, use alphabet materials, dry erase boards and wikki sticks. They also used the writing center and even worked with their friends to sort and put together puzzles. It was so great to see the students work and learn together. 
R and S work in the alphabet center

Students work with magnetic letters

Students work with dry erase boards and wikki sticks

Students go shopping in the library

In choice time students had the opportunity to choose different centers. They worked with the science, light, painting, reading and puppets, special reading corner, and even had the chance to write their own stories. We talked about sunflowers and students worked with Mrs. Pat in the painting center to create beautiful paintings. 
R and M work in the reading corner

j, S and J observe in the science center. 

N and S observe our class fish, Cody Goldi Blue

V and T work in the light center

Students observing sunflowers and painting.

This week we also explored more with our playground study. Students are really interested in adding swings to our own playground by using a tire that they found in the garden to make that into a swing. Students want to add new materials to the playground that we do not have at our school playground. This week we hope to take a walking trip to another playground to help us explore more with playgrounds. 
exploring in the garden

S and J observe and smell the flowers

Students created a tower with blocks on the playground

Another fun activity we did was to create fall trees by tracing our hands and tearing paper to create leaves. This was helpful for fine motor skills and a fun way to introduce the new season.
P and V.L make their fall trees

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