Thursday, October 3, 2013

More learning

Today in reading, students were given their very own classroom baggies to keep their reading books for independent reading. They were really excited about this. We also worked in new centers. The poetry center, the wiki stick center, and even some students were reading on their own through the use of pointers and books that are familiar to them. It has been a great day, and I look forward to our publishing celebration as we read our first stories we did next week!
 F reads his book during independent reading time

Q reads his book as he chose this for his book baggy

F, I, J, R, and A work in the poetry center

M and A read with pointers

K and Y enjoy the computer center

z and E create stories with alphabet stamps

M works on his letter formation with wikki sticks

At the end of the day we did a double bubble map on the Gingerbread Boy and The creepy carrot. We borrowed the Creepy Carrot from Mr. Andy. Students really enjoyed the story. They even made their own carrots in language development centers. I also put some fall materials in the dramatic play center and the students decorated and had a Halloween party!


  1. We also worked in new centers. The poetry center, the wiki stick center, and even some students were reading on their own through the use of pointers and books that are familiar to them.

    1. That is so great!! If you come across any new learning ideas please share with me!
