Thursday, December 6, 2012

Sorting, dinosaurs and more

Today students worked on sorting and took a break from their apple boxes they have been working on. They have been learning how to make different combinations of ten and today they worked on ways to sort materials by color, shape and size. 

Students also worked on making fossils with dinosaurs in playdough. Another student S was making a pizza. She rolled it and flattened it and then I showed her how to use the rolling pin. I also mentioned that Ms. Esther's class was doing some baking and maybe we could work with them on this if she continued to be interested. I am going to bring in some materials to allow the students explore thanks to Ms. Esthers great idea that she did with her student!

Dinosaur footprints to represent fossils

1 comment:

  1. awww that's great Ms. Cruse. Do you want to borrow some dough? I have some pie dough and flour!! :) Can I come watch your class during play sometime?
