Wednesday, October 2, 2013


I can hardly believe that a full month of school has gone by. The students are now getting much better with their routines and are doing a lot more learning. In the class they have just started to work on publishing their first story. As the year goes on we will do celebrations but for the first piece just the class. In math we are still working on shapes and creating patterns. Ms. Rebecca and Ms. Darrell have joined us and have started working with small groups. A lot of new learning centers have opened and the students are communicating and talking more and more each day. We have added the listening center, dramatic play, the poetry center, and today we even opened up a game center in which two students J and S played Connect Four. As a reminder don't forget to log on to your raz kids account to help your child with reading.

Ms. Darrell helps a goup with letter sounds and recognition
M,J, and D use the listening center

In the stamp center students P, Y, and J explore and make words with letter stamps.

F, J, and L read books and even use a pointer to help them remember the words

Ms. Rebecca works with a small group on vocabulary

In the poetry center students put names in order and count the letters

Student J worked on making rhyming words

P makes a rhyme

S writes her own rhyme

A new center opening tomorrow!

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